Apostille refers to Authentication or legalization. It is applied to the original documents. This means that the documents come from a recognized state authority and Documents are Genuine. The Apostille is Required in countries that are members of the Hague Convention. According to the Hague Convention of 1961, there are many countries that require a document to go through the Apostille process prior to being presented.
As of June 23, 2020 |
A |
Albania |
Andorra |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Argentina |
Armenia |
Australia |
Austria |
B |
Bahamas |
Bahrain |
Barbados |
Belarus |
Belgium |
Belize |
Bolivia |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Botswana |
Brazil |
Brunei |
Bulgaria |
Burundi |
C |
Canada Cape Verde |
Chile Canada |
Colombia |
Cook Islands |
Costa Rica |
Croatia |
Cyprus |
Czech Republic |
D |
Denmark |
Dominica (Commonwealth of Dominica) |
Dominican Republic |
E |
El Salvador |
Estonia |
Eswatini (Former Swaziland) |
F |
Fiji |
Finland |
France |
G |
Georgia |
Germany |
Greece |
Grenada |
Guatemala |
Guyana |
H |
Honduras |
Hong Kong |
Hungary |
I |
India |
Iceland |
Ireland |
Israel |
Italy |
J |
Japan |
K |
Kazakhstan |
Korea |
Kosovo |
Kyrgyz Republic |
L |
Latvia |
Lesotho |
Liberia |
Liechtenstein |
Lithuania |
Luxembourg |
M |
Macao |
Malawi |
Malta |
Marshall Islands |
Mauritius |
Mexico |
Moldova |
Monaco |
Mongolia |
Montenegro |
Morocco |
N |
Namibia |
New Zealand |
Nicaragua |
Niue |
North Macedonia |
Norway |
O |
Oman |
P |
Palau |
Panamas |
Paraguay |
Peru |
Philippines |
Poland |
Portugal |
R |
Republic of Azerbaijan |
Republic of Ecuador |
Republic of Uzbekistan |
Romania |
Russia |
S |
Saint Christopher and Nevis |
Saint Lucia |
Saint Vincent |
Samoa |
San Marino |
Sao Tome and Principe |
Serbia |
Seychelles |
Slovakia |
Slovenia |
South Africa |
Spain |
Suriname |
Sweden |
Switzerland |
T |
Tajikistan |
The Netherlands |
Tonga |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Tunisia |
Turkey |
U |
Ukraine |
United Kingdom |
United States of America |
Uruguay |
V |
Vanuatu |
Venezuela |
In addition to the above signatory countries, an apostille can be used in the following overseas territories.
- France: Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Reunion Islands, New Caledonia Islands, Wallis Islands and Futuna Islands, Saint Pierre, Miquelon, French Polynesia
- Portugal: All oversea territories
- The Netherlands: Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten
- UK: Isle of Jersey, Isle of Guernsey, Isle of Man, Cayman Islands, Bermuda Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Saint Helena, Anguilla, Turks and Caicos Islands, British Virgin Islands
We offer services for obtaining the MEA Apostille certification for various documents. If, you are seeking employment overseas, Going for Study Visa, Applying Dependent Visa, Applying Long term Visa of Applying PR of Citizenship in any of the Hauge Convention Country an Apostille certificate is needed to check on a Genuineness of the documents. To obtain the Apostille certificate, we are listed among the top service providers in the country.
Some of the List of Documents is as Below:
Educational Certificate Apostille Services
Degree Certificate Apostille
Master Degree Certificate Apostilles
Engineering Certificate Apostille
Pharmacy Degree Certificate Apostille
B.Sc. Degree Certificate Apostille
BA Degree Certificate Apostille
Diploma Certificate Apostille
MBA Degree Certificate Apostille
BBA Degree Certificate Apostille
PHD Degree Certificate Apostille
Higher Secondary Level Certificate Apostilles
Management Degree Certificate Apostilles
Non-Educational Certificate Apostille Services
Marriage Certificate Apostilles
Birth Certificate Apostilles
Transfer Certificate Apostilles
Divorce Certificate Apostilles
Death Certificate Apostilles
Experience Certificate Apostilles
Medical Certificate Apostilles
Police Clearance Certificate Apostilles
Finger Print Apostille
Copy of Passport Apostille
Power of Attorney Apostille
Commercial Certificate Apostille Services
Letter of Incorporation Apostille
Memorandum of Association Apostille
Article of Association Apostille
Board Resolution Apostille
Commercial Invoice Apostille
Export Assistance Document Apostille
Packing list/Invoice Apostille
Free Sales Document Apostille
Bank Statement Apostille
Commercial POA Apostille
Apostille is done on the backside of the Original Documents. For Some Commercial Documents, it can be done on its coloured copy. But the copy should must contain Company’s Seal and Signature.